Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dentoword : Today's Word is ' Dental Crown'

 Welcome to Dentoword:

Learn your dental terms with detailed explanation 

Today's word is " Dental Crown "

Definition :

Crown refers to the anatomical area of teeth, usually covered by enamel (Natural). 


Crown also refers to a dental cap, which is a type of dental restoration that completely caps or encircles a tooth or dental implant (Artificial).

Anatomical features of a normal tooth crown :

  • Anatomical crown : That portion of the tooth which is covered by enamel.

Tooth structure image showing anatomical and clinical crown

  • Clinical crown : That portion of the tooth which is visible in the mouth.

Structures of a natural dental crown :

  • Enamel : The hard tissue which covers the dentin of the anatomical crown.

Tooth anatomy

  • Dentin: The hard tissue which forms the main body of the tooth
  • Pulp : The living soft tissue which occupies the pulp cavity of a vital tooth.

In today's blog,  I'll provide a brief introduction to the above-mentioned three terms. We are going to discuss these terms in detail in further blogs.

Functions of natural dental crown

1.Mastication - Chewing

2.Esthetics - Apperance 

3.Phonetics - Speech

4.Protection - Protects inner structure of tooth

Potential problems faced by crown in human oral cavity:

1.Tooth Cavities 

2.Crack lines and Fracture


Clinical significance of dental crown:

A. Maintaing oral health : Protects inner tooth structures from decay.

B. Restoration and Repair : 

  • Damaged natural crowns can often repaired with fillings ,inlays, onlays and artificial dental crowns.
  • Artificial dental crowns are made up of various materials .for e.g. Metal crowns,Porcelain fused to metal(PFM),All ceramic, zirconia crowns,resin crowns.

C. Aesthetic and Functional importance

Ensures effective chewing and speaking and healthy crowns contribute to a confident and attractive smile.


Understanding and maintaining the health of your natural dental crowns is vital for overall dental helath. By practicing good oral hygiene,eating a tooth friendly diet and visiting your dentist regularly,you can ensure your natural crowns remain strong and healthy for a long time.


1.Concise dental anatomy and morphology. by: Fuller, James L (4th edition-2001).

2.Image credit :

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