Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dentoword : Today's Word is 'Dental Roots'


Welcome to Dentoword:

Learn your dental terms with detailed explanation 

Today's word is "Dental Roots"

'Deep Journey into Dental Roots: The Underground Warriors of Our Teeth'


Dental roots refers to the anatomical area of teeth usually covered by cementum.

Anatomical features of normal tooth root : 

Anatomical Root : 

The part of the tooth covered by cementum is called as anatomical root.

Tooth roots showing clinical & anatomical root

Clinical Root : 
The part of the tooth root not visible in the mouth, is called as clinical root.

Structure of dental roots:

1. Cementum : The calcified substance that covers the dentin of the anatomical root.

2. Dentin : Dentin forms the bulk of the tooth's root structure lying beneath the cementum

3.Root Canal/Pulp Canal :
That portion of the pulp cavity which is located in roots of the tooth .

4.Periodontal ligament:

The fibrous connection between the tooth cementum and the alveolar bone.

Function of dental roots:

1. Support  & Stability :
Roots act as anchoring units during chewing and biting.

2. Nutrient supply :

The root canal allows blood vessels & nerves to supply nutrients & sensory function.

Potential Problems With Dental Roots : 

1.Root cavities 

2. A root canal infection can lead to periapical infection

3.Root resorption 

4.Tooth mobility :

Due to advanced periodontal disease can cause roots to become exposed ,leading to sensitivity,mobility.

 👀Interesting facts :

  • Most teeth have 1 to 3 roots but number and shape can vary .
Incisor showing 1 root ,Mandibular and maxillary molars showing 2 and 3 roots
  • Some people may  have extra roots known as supernumery roots which complicate dental treatment.


Dental roots are the neglected heroes of our teeth, which provide support,stabilty and sensory function. Understanding their importance emphasizes the need for proper oral care. By caring for these essential structure,you ensure a healthy and beautiful smile for life long.

Reference :

1.Concise dental anatomy and morphology. by: Fuller, James L (4th edition-2001).