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Today's word is "Dental Pulp"
Dental Pulp :" The Core of Our Tooth "
Definition :
Dental pulp can be defined as a richly vascularized & innervated connective tissue of mesodermal origin enclosed by dentin with communication to the periodontal ligament.
General Features of Dental Pulp :
- The dental pulp occupies the center of each tooth & consists of soft connective tissue.
- The total volume of all the permanent teeth pulp is 0.38 cubic centimetre.
- The mean volume of a single adult human pulp is 0.02 cubic centimetre.
Types of Dental Pulp :
The pulp is housed in the pulp chamber of the crown & in the root canal of the root.
1.Coronal pulp : The pulp present in the crown .
2.Radicular pulp : The pulp present in the root .
Structure of Dental pulp :
The pulp is basically a loose connective tissue. Therefore, it contains a ground substance in which are embedded cells & fibers & it also contains supporting elements - the blood vessels & nerves.
Odontoblastic zone : Odontoblastic cells
Cell free zone (weil's zone) : Relatively acellular,accomodate odontoblast during development & function of tooth.
Cell rich zone (primarily Coronal) : Fibroblasts, undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
Pulp core : Predominantly fibrous tissue, Major vessels & nerves,fibroblasts .
Development of Dental Pulp :
The pulp is formed from dental papilla. After the peripheral cells of dental papilla differentiate into odontoblast and produce dentin, the rest of dental papilla becomes pulp.
Functions of Dental Pulp :
1. Inductive: Differentiation of dental lamina & dental organ ,Determination of tooth morphology
2. Formative : Production of dentin
3. Nutritive : Nourishment of dentin
4. Protective / Sensory :
Immune cells ,Pain perception
5. Defensive/ reparative :
Production of reparative dentin
Clinical Considerations of Dental Pulp :
1. Pathologic considerations :
- Pulpal inflammation or pulpitis :
It is a response of the traumatized pulp to trauma caused by bacterial infection, as seen in dental caries, or by physical trauma to the tooth structure.
- Pulp polyp or chronic hyperplastic pulpitis :
In young adults, well vascularized pulpal tissues exhibit a form of hyperplasia in a carious tooth. This condition requires endodontic therapy or tooth extraction.
- Internal resorption or pink tooth :
Inflammation within the pulp may result in the resorption of dentinal walls by odontoclasts , causing the pulpal tissue to appear pink through the enamel. This condition requires endodontic therapy.
- Operative & endodontic considerations :
Pulpal anatomy & the response of the pulp to the various filling materials used for restoration of teeth are utmost importance to all dentist.
- Vitality of pulp :
Dentists use various vitality test to assess the health of the pulp , including thermal tests, electric pulp tests, Laser Doppler flowmetry.
Interesting facts :
- Regenerative Potential : Dental pulp has the potential for regeneration due to the presence of stem cells which are being researched for their role in regenerative dentistry.
Conclusion :
The dental pulp is a vital component of our teeth , playing important roles in their formation, nourishment & Sensation.
Understanding it's types , function & clinical considerations of dental pulp underscores the importance of comprehensive dental care. By maintaining good oral hygiene & seeking prompt dental treatment when issues arise , we can protect the health of our tooth pulp & by extension ,our overall oral health.
References :
1. Orban's Oral Histology & embryology , 15th edition , G S Kumar,Elsevier.
2. Image credit : freepik.com
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