Monday, June 3, 2024

Dentoword : Today's Word is 'Cementum'


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Today's word is " Cementum " 

Tooth section image showing all parts of tooth

Cementum : ' The unsung side-hero winning hearts with it's vital role '

We're all familiar with enamel because we can see it, but there's another important tissue we can't see in the oral cavity easily in normal tooth is cementum. Cementum is a layer covering the root of the tooth, acting like glue to hold the tooth in its position.

What is Cementum? :

Cementum is the mineralized, avascular dental tissue covering the anatomical roots of human teeth. The hardness of fully matured cementum is less than that of dentin. Cementum is light yellow in color.

Ground section of tooth showing distribution of cementum

Composition of Cementum :

  • Inorganic substances : 45% -50% : Mainly contains Hydroxyapatite 
  • Organic substances : 50% - 55% : Mainly contains collagen & protein polysaccharides.

Functions of Cementum :

  • Anchorage: The important function of cementum is to provide a medium for the attachment of collagen fibers that bind the tooth to the alveolar bone.

  • Adaptation : Cementum enables the functional adaptation of teeth. For example, loss of tooth structure from occlusal wear is compensated by the deposition of cementum.

  • Repair: It is a reparative tissue for root surfaces. Damage to roots can be repaired by the deposition of cementum.

Types of Cementum :

  • On the basis of presense of cementocyte :
1. Acellular Cementum : Absence of cementocyte 

2. Cellular Cementum : 
Presence of cementocyte 

  • On the basis of types of fibers :
Intrinsic/extrinsic fibers
Their absence of - afibrillar cementum 

Multimedia content :

Watch this video where  break down the basics of cementum and its role in dental health :

Clinical considerations :

  • Cementum is avascular; therefore, it is more resistant to resorption than bone. It is for this reason that orthodontic tooth movement is possible.

  • Cementum resorption also occurs in response to trauma to the tooth or excessive occlusal forces.

  • It is important to take a radiograph before performing any extraction because, sometimes, excessive cementum deposition occurs due to periapical inflammation or excessive occlusal stress. This can cause the tooth to be so tightly anchored to the socket that the jaw or parts of it may fracture during extraction.

  • Exposed cementum due to periodontal pockets or recession may interfere with healing during periodontal therapy. Remove this altered cementum so that periodontal regeneration can occur.

  • Cemental caries can be seen on exposed surfaces of cementum associated with recession in older individuals.

Personal Insight :

During my college posting at the periodontology department, I encountered many cases where the health of cementum was crucial in saving patients' teeth.

 For example, a patient with advanced periodontal disease experienced significant cementum loss, leading to tooth instability. Through proper periodontal treatment, we were able to restore some function and improve their quality of life. Most importantly, we were able to save the tooth.

Practical tips & Recommendation :

 Oral hygiene practices:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Floss daily.
  • Get professional cleaning every 6 months because daily brushing does not remove all plaque and calculus around the teeth. 
This will help improve your oral and gum health, preventing exposure of cementum and keeping your teeth healthy for a long time.

Interesting facts :

Teeth are one of the most resistant tissues to degradation and degeneration, hence the counting of incremental lines in cementum for the determination of an individual's age.


Cementum is like a side hero in the oral cavity because we often feel that the main heroes are enamel and dentin, but its role in dental health is vital. By understanding and caring for this precious component, we can better maintain our oral health and even increase the longevity of our teeth in the oral cavity. Let's take a moment to appreciate our side hero and its crucial role in dental health.

Request to reader : 

Have questions about your dental health or how to keep your cementum strong ??

Leave a comment below or shedule an appointment with your dentist today !!

References :

1. Orban's Oral Histology & embryology , 15th edition , G S Kumar,Elsevier.
2. Ten Cate's Oral Histology, 9th edition,Antonio Nanci, Elsevier.

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